The Productive Selling Zone®
$ 29.99
The Productive Selling Zone® is not a rigid sales training program, it’s a state of effectiveness.
Elite athletes talk about “being in the zone” while in the middle of competition, where they are totally “tuned in” to achieving success. They are not distracted by other concerns. They are relaxed and confident. Their heads are in the game.
Creating a Productive Selling Zone® is the backbone of our Two Day Sales Workshop. Our tools, processes, and concepts are easy to grasp and implement and enable salespeople to maximize their performance.
Real productivity in a sales process is recognizable and measurable because productive processes have specific characteristics. This book detail’s those characteristics. It’s your playbook!
Table of Contents:
- Four Reasons Why People Don’t Buy
- Buying Behaviors
- Targeting Your Prospects
- Pipeline Development
- Getting Past the Gatekeeper(s)
- Weaving a Web of Influence
- Have an IDEA Who You Are Selling To
- Selling Value, Not Price
- Empowering Decision Makers
- Getting the Buyer to Buy
- Uncovering Need
- The Secrets of Master Negotiators
- Addressing Objections
- Knowing When to Walk Away
- Asking for the Order
- Secrets of Successful Cross-Selling
- Winning RFP Strategies
- The Salesperson’s Success Formula
- Outsmart the Competition
- Creating Target Opportunity “Hit Lists”
- Productive Selling Zone in Review